Allianssi Youth Exchanges 30 Years
The year 2023 is a special time for Allianssi Youth Exchanges – it was 30 years ago that we started our activities !
For 30 years, we have coordinated international mobilities from au pair exchange and hotel work programs to language courses and volunteering and work experience programs.both in Finland and abroad . We have assisted over 20 000 young people gain global understanding through international mobility programmes.
Currently we work mainly with a variety of volunteering and vocational education mobility programmes, and youth exchanges and trainings. Over the years we have sent thousands of participants to different programs across the world and taken part in various interesting projects with our partner organisations and networks.
We want to hear your story!
Join us in celebrating our jubilee. We want to share past experiences from our participants and partner organisations to celebrate our 30 years of intercultural learning.
You can participate by sharing your experiences in social media with the hashtag #Nuorisovaihto30 or writing us your greatest memories by using the form below. During the year 2023, we will share these stories on our social media.