Osallistu Romania-teemaiseen kulttuurienväliseen iltaan 11.4. klo 17! / Participate to our Intercultural Evening on Romania 11.4. at 5pm!


In English below.

Oletko kiinnostunut tutustumaan uusiin kulttuureihin? Osallistu Allianssin nuorisovaihdon järjestämiin kulttuurienvälisiin iltoihimme! Ensimmäisen tapahtumamme teemana on Romania ja romanialainen ESC-vapaaehtoisemme Ioana johdattaa meidät sen kiehtovan kulttuurin pariin maanantaina 11.4. klo 17.

Pääset kuulemaan lisää maan perinteistä, historiasta ja sekä maistelemaan romanialaisia ruokia. Ioana jakaa myös vinkkinsä, mihin kaupunkeihin Romaniassa kannattaa suunnata matkailun merkeissä.

Tapahtuma järjestetään englanniksi ja se on avoin kaikille, jotka haluaisivat oppia lisää eri maista! Kulttuurienvälinen ilta pidetään Allianssi-Talolla ja tapahtuma on maksuton.

Lue lisää tapahtumasta Facebookista: https://buff.ly/3wCIUz6

Ilmoittaudu mukaan täyttämällä alla oleva ilmoittautumislomake!

Nähdään tapahtumassa!

If you are a person interested in other cultures and you like discovering places all around the world,  then you will definitely love our intercultural evenings! 

On 11th of April, from 17:00, we are inviting you to our first intercultural event where you will have the chance to learn more about Romania!  Ioana, our long-term volunteer in Allianssi Youth Exchanges, would like to share with you some of the traditions and history of her country, and maybe will convince you to visit some of the beautiful Romanian cities. 

The event is going to be in English and it's open for everyone interested, both Finnish and international lovers of diversity! The intercultural night will be held in Allianssi-Talo building and the entry it's free. 

Check more information about the event in Facebook: https://buff.ly/3wCIUz6

Register to the event by filling in the form below!

We are waiting to see you at the event! 

Registration form

In order to sign in for participating in this event, you have to fill in this form that helps us keep track of how many people there will be at the event and if we need to prepare anything special for your needs.

We are in the search of local volunteers in Helsinki that would like to get engaged in different activities that we plan to do in Allianssi Youth Exchanges! If you would like to develop yourself in an multicultural, energetic and supportive environment, then you are more than welcomed to sign up and start this amazing journey with us!

Would you like to be a volunteer in Allianssi Youth Exchanges?

If you clicked yes, then we will contact you later to join our team and help us organize different events and activities!