Ajankohtaisia EU-tuettuja vapaaehtoispaikkoja Euroopassa


Haluaisitko lähteä 6-12 kuukaudeksi johonkin toiseen Euroopan maahan ja työskentelemään vapaaehtoisena yleishyödyllisessä organisaatiossa esimerkiksi viestintätehtävissä,  kulttuurin, harrastustoiminnan tai nuorisotyön parissa?  Tarjolla on  usein myös lyhyempiä Euroopan solidaarisuusjoukkojen vapaaehtoistiimejä.

Lue lisää Euroopan solidaarisuusjoukoista Euroopan  nuorisoportaalin sivuilta. 

Kenelle? Euroopan Solidaarisuusjoukot on ohjelma, joka sopii kaikille 18-30 -vuotiaille, jotka ovat kiinnostuneita oppimaan ja toimimaan vapaaehtoisena paikallisen yhteisön hyväksi toisessa Euroopan maassa. Vapaaehtoistyötehtäviin ei vaadita erityistaitoja tai koulutusta, mutta omia tietoja ja taitoja pääsee yleensä hyödyntämään. Euroopan Unionin tukema ohjelma on erinomainen mahdollisuus lähteä toiseen Euroopan maahan hankkimaan työkokemusta, kielitaitoa ja saamaan uusia kokemuksia. Ohjelmaan kuuluu majoitus, ruoka, matkatuki, taskuraha, vakuutus, kieliopetusta sekä valmennus ennen lähtöä ja jakson aikana. Ohjelman kesto on yleensä 2-12 kuukautta, suurin osa vapaaehtoispaikoista haluaa vapaaehtoisen 6-12 kuukauddeksi.

Euroopan Solidaarisuusjoukkojen lyhytkestoiset (alle 2 kuukautta) yksilöprojektit on tarkoitettu nuorille, joilla on erityistä tukea oikeuttavia haasteita kuten.terveysongelmat, oppimisvaikeudet, vähemmistöryhmään kuuluminen ja/tai taloudelliset, sosiaaliset tai maantieteelliset haasteet.  Yleensä noin kaksi viikkoa kestävät Euroopan solidaarisuusjoukkojen vapaaehtoistiimit ovat sen sijaan avoimia kaikille 18-30 -vuotiaille, myös aiemmin Euroopan solidaarisuujoukkoihin osallistuneille.   

Annamme mielellämme lisätietoja, puh. 044 416 5209 (myös Whatsapp)

Näin löydät mielenkiintoisia vapaaehtoispaikkoja


Voit etsiä vapaaehtoispaikkoja suoraan seuraavien partnerijärjestöjemme sivuilla:

Armenia: HUJ 

Belgia: CBB

Itävalta: Melange

Portugali: Associação Spin

Ranska: Solidarités Jeunesses

Slovakia: Inex

Viro: EstYES

Voit löytää avoimia ESC-paikkoja myös tästä Facebook-ryhmästä.

Voit tutustua Euroopan solidaarisuusjoukot -ohjelmaan tarkemmin tästä.

Long term ESC in Stuttgart, Germany!

Project name: - Haus St. Elisabeth: Support adults with special needs, 1 spot

Location: Stuttgart, Germany

Duration: 11-12 months
Application deadline:  Until applicant found

Haus St. Elisabeth is a day care centre for the elderly. 20 adults are cared for by the centre. The focus is on offering individual support and providing activities that suit the guests’ needs. The guests are all adults aged 25 to 80 with different physical and mental disabilities. Activities include individual and group activities, seasonal events, day trips as well as special occasions. Since you will be working with other volunteers, the hosting organisation will offer monthly activities for the team.

Your tasks as a volunteer

  • Accompany and support people with disabilities in their daily lives, e.g. baking and cooking
  • Support residents in leisure activities: playing, music, sports etc.
  • Housekeeping tasks

Project name: - Margarethe-Steiff-Schule: Learn from and with disabled children, 1 spot

Location: Stuttgart, Germany

Duration: 11-12 months
Application deadline:  Until applicant found

The KBV (association for disabled people) offers various services for people with disabilities including an assistance service at the municipal Margarete Steiff School for disabled children. The school covers all grade levels. It has a unique support system for its students: 140 employees care for roughly 170 students.

Your tasks as a volunteer

  • Support children with physical disabilities in mobility, e.g. helping them go to the bathroom or use their wheelchair
  • Work together with the special education teacher and a team consisting of physiotherapists, nurses, assistants and accompany the children and young people in a class of five to six children in their daily school lessons
  • In the Alex Club area, you can choose for yourself whether you want to focus more on the leisure activities during the week, at the weekends, or the leisure activities during school breaks


Project name: -Kulturinsel: Contribute in an intercultural garden/art space , 1 spot

Location: Stuttgart, Germany

Duration: 11-12 months
Application deadline:  Until applicant found

The Kulturinsel Stuttgart is a diverse meeting place for: Neighbours, those interested in art and culture, people with and without a refugee background, makers and garden lovers. It harbours a green oasis and a learning garden: the urban gardening project Inselgrün combines the worlds of subculture and industry and is a platform for social and cultural projects/events of all kinds. 

Your tasks as a volunteer

  • Prepare and support events
  • Urban Gardening
  • Support in administration and documentation

For more information ,please visit this website https://padlet.com/FWD_DRS_gGmBH/volunteer-in-germany-with-fwd-drs-xlt8c6nr1mf1f3e2

TO APPLY, fill the form you will find to this site fill out the application form on our homepage: https://ich-will-efd.de/volunteering-in-germany/appilcation-process/application

Long term ESC in Spain for  8 months!

Project name: Multiplying opportunities for volunteer engagement XI - 3 spots

Location: Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

Duration: From 01/02/2025 - 30/09/2025
Application deadline:  20th of October

The role of the volunteers will be to support the incoming, outgoing and the ESC areas; each of them will be supporting the back office work that is done during the placement of international volunteers in Catalonia, during the placement of catalan volunteers who will go abroad, and will be fostering international mobility . The volunteers will be promoting the international voluntary service, producing all kinds of promotion material, participating in informative sessions and training, updating the blog and COCAT’s social networks. They will manage mostly administrative tasks and will work in a team in COCAT’s office in Barcelona. 
For more information check the website  or info pack attached below but to apply use the form below, please. 

TO APPLY, fill this form: link

Long term ESC opportunities in Belgium.

1. Name: Social work at Foyer L'Aubépine – Ciney - 1 spot

Duration : 01/02/2025 – 34/01/2026

Deadline: 20/10/24 – 23: 59 CET

How to apply (in “register” tab): here

 Project description (video): The non-profit organization “Foyer Aubépine” aims to provide social help, education, host and support for youngsters with difficult socio-economical and familial backgrounds.

Volunteers will assist children and teenagers (ages 3-18) by supporting the technical team with tasks like house maintenance, meal preparation, and cleaning. They'll also help social educators by spending time with the kids during meals, assisting with homework, planning activities and games, preparing them for bedtime, and participating in outdoor activities. Additional tasks include maintaining a vegetable garden and chicken coop, developing a living space project in a caravan, maintaining a yurt, and implementing a personal project in the final stage.

 2. Name: Gallo-Roman Farm of Malagne – Rochefort - 2 spots

Duration: 01/02/2025– 31/01/2026

Deadline: 20/10/2024 CET

How to apply (in “register” tab): here 

Project description (video): Archeoparc Malagne is a non-profit organisation set up to protect and valorise an archaeological site from Gallo-roman history. It reproduces a farm from this period of time and recreate the different techniques and know-hows used at that time.

The volunteers will mostly help out in the maintenance of the 7 hectares of the domain (planting vegetables, mowing, fixing fences…), take care of the animals living on site, help with the building of new places by using Gallo-roman techniques and follow the archaeological experiments done (one on a harvesting machine, the other one on the production process of barley beer “cervoise”). The tasks are mostly outdoors and manual. And the pictures are not lying: it is pretty remote!

3. Name: CBB's Volunteers Messengers – Marche-en-Famenne - 2 spots

Duration: 01/02/2025 – 31/01/2026

Deadline: 13/10/2024 – 23:59 CET

How to apply (in “register” tab): here

Project description: The Association of Compagnons Bâtisseurs, aka CBB, is a non-profit, non-political youth organisation recognised by the French Community of Belgium. The organisation proposes different kinds of activities, mainly based on volunteering and non-formal education: local and international work camps, medium and long term voluntary service, week-end workcamps, leisure time activities for and with disabled people, youth exchanges and local and international trainings.

The volunteer will be involved in the promotion, preparation, implementation and follow-up of our voluntary projects and non-formal education activities (work camps and weekends, youth exchanges, environmental weeks, volunteering days, pre camps, preparation sessions….). They will help CBB team in its role of support organisation for more than 20 ESC volunteers on the French speaking territory, and will be involved in local activities. S/he will also work sometimes in partnership with other local youth and social organisations. 

 4. Name: Youth Centre – Marche-en-Famenne - 1 spot 

Duration : 01/02/2025 – 31/01/2026

Deadline : 13/10/2024 CET

How to apply (in “register” tab): here

Project description : La Maison des Jeunes or Youth Centre has the mission to promote youth active citizenship, participation and empowerment. In all our activities -trainings, creative and artistic workshops, outdoors activities and visits, organization of concerts and cultural events.

The volunteer will have the possibility to participate in all our activities: artistic workshops, sport activities, organization of cultural events and free time activities in the youth club and propose their own. Application showing the artistic and creative skills of the volunteers are strongly encouraged.

5. Name: Mic-Ados – Marche en Famenne - 1 spot

Duration : 01/02/2025 – 31/01/2026

Deadline: 13/10/2024 CET

How to apply (in “register” tab): here 

Project description: To join the «sac ados» project allowing dropped out youngsters to reflect about their future by taking part in manual works, creative activities and social actions. To organise workshops for young people attending Micados activities.

6. Name: Hyphen for inclusion – Marche en Famenne - 1 spot

Duration: 01/02/2025 – 31/01/2026

Deadline: 13/10/2024 CET

How to apply (in “register” tab):   here

Project description: Planning, organisation, and evaluation of residential weekends and evening activities for people with mental disability. During the activities, support the participation of people with disabilities. Take part in cbb’s activities : youth exchanges, trainings for summer camps leaders and local activities.

 7. Name: Music Fund - 1 spot

Duration: 01/02/2025 – 31/01/2026

Deadline: 13/10/2024 – 23:59 CET

How to apply (in “register” tab): here 

Project description: Music Fund is a NGO promoting music as an instrument to develop social projects for young people, mostly in conflict zones and developing countries, with the slogan “Give music a chance”. Other objective of MF is to work with music schools and improve their access to musical instruments globally. They work hard developing a network of musical repair technicians and improving their abilities. Last, but not least, they facilitate the access of musical instruments to young musicians all around the world. In Belgium, the team of MF helps young people who want to learn to play by providing them with wide range of instruments donated or collected then fixed by Music Fund. Through their expertise centre in Marche en Famenne and a warehouse in Jemelle they are able to fulfil all the needs for local music schools and socio-artistic projects all around Belgium. The volunteer will help Music Fund team in their administrative tasks but s/he will mostly help to manage the instruments storage, the picks-up of the instruments, help to repair the instruments and care for it. 

8. Name: Interra ASBL – Liège - 1 spot

Duration : 01/02/2025 – 31/01/2026

Deadline : 13/10/2024 – 23 :59 CET

Link to apply (in “register” tab): here

Project description: Interra is a NGO working for the inclusion of migrants and the awareness of issues of migration, social cohesion and cultural difference through creativity, art and culture. 

This activity allows people recently arrived in Liege territory and local people to organise workshops, based on what they know or what they like to do, for a mixed public. Help with various workshops, intercultural meetings, film debates and more.

 9. Name: Join the crew of Gamedella youth club - Rochefort - 1 spot

Duration : 01/02/2025 – 31/01/2026

Deadline: 13/10/2024 – 23: 59 CET

How to apply (in “register” tab): here 

Project description: Gamedella has two main aims : – as an organisation recognised as “homework club” :to support the intellectual development, social emancipation, cultural access and the citizenship learning for children from 4 to 15 years old. – as a youth centre recognised by the French community of Belgium: to support the development of an active, critical, in solidarity and responsible citizenship among young people from 12 till 26 years old.

Responsibilities of the volunteer;

  • After school support : children come to receive help to do their homework and participate in fun activities organised by volunteer; 

  • Free time at the youth center : young people and adolescents meet at the youth center to spend some time together; 

  • Recreational Wednesday : “discovery” activities offered to children between 6 and 11 years old; 

  • Little Citizens (6-9 years old) or mini CRACS (10-12 years old): school support and citizen action; 

  • Weekly workshops and holidays residential stays.

Check the info pack attached below for more details!

Long term volunteering in Leipzig, Germany!

Start Date: March 2025

Duration: 1 Year

Location: Leipzig, Germany
Deadline: 20.10.24
Currently, host organisation is calling for 10 passionate volunteers to join a variety of amazing projects, ranging from kindergartens to theatre, residential care, youth clubs, eco-house, and after-school care! Detailed information about the available projects and application procedures can be found here:  link
NB! Organisation only accepts applications through our Google Form.

Long term opportunity in Rome!

To apply for this project send us their CV and Motivation letter to volo@lunaria.org by the 8th of November 2024, please specify in the subject: ESC Lunaria office 2025. Also, inform Allianssi Youth Exchanges about your application via email at volunteer@alli.fi 

Duration: 9.5 months ( 15.01.2025 - 31.10.2025)

Where: Rome, Italy

The Lunaria office is looking for 2 ESC volunteers who will become part of their office team in Rome to support  the organization and running of the office work and next workcamp season ( for both incoming and outgoing part).

Check the infopack bellow for more information !

ESC Long Term Opportunities in Italy

NB! To apply for this project use the link and inform Allianssi Youth Exchanges about your application via email at volunteer@alli.fi 

  1. "Long term volunteer in refugee center " - 2 spots

    Duration: 7 months, starting from November. 

    Where: in the towns of Mazzarino and Riesi, near Caltanissetta, in the heart of Sicily

    Aim of the host organisation is to support a refugee centre . The work there involves mostly organising after-schools activities, workshops, artistic events and festivals aimed at children of migrant couples. The children staying in the refugee centre have lived through different experiences, so the volunteer needs to be able to bond with them to help them develop intercultural awareness to facilitate their stay in a different country.

  2. Practicing and promoting sustainable lifestyles in Eco-village”  - 4 spots

    Duration: 6 months. Starting date is flexible. 

    Where: Teor, Italy

    Organised by Gaia Terra, the project aims at transforming society through promotion of sustainable lifestyles on various levels. The volunteers will live in an eco-village community supporting the project through orchard and garden management, recycling and creative use of waste, production of biodegradable products, etc. Volunteers will also be responsible for organising all kinds of workshops/receptions that attempt at promoting the idea.

  3. "Sport and recreational activities with kids in Palermo"  - 1 spot

    Duration: for 8 months,  starting from November. 

    Where: Palermo, Sicily

    Volunteer will support the staff in the implementation of recreational activities aimed at young people of the centre: - after-school educational activities for kids (support with homework, English or French language workshops through non-formal methodologies) - recreational and creative workshops (guitar lessons, dance lessons, theatre, drawing, manipulation of raw materials etc) - support in the implementation of sports activities, such as football (training, accompanying young people to local sports tournaments, support during matches).

  4.  "Supporting activities in a youth center"  - 1 spot

    Duration: for 7 months, starting from November. 

    Where: Palermo, Italy.

    Managed by Inventare Insieme, a youth centre which offers opportunities and support young people aged 6-30 years old. Volunteers will support the daily activities of the organisation aimed at the children, teenagers and young people in the youth centre. These will include: support to music laboratories and/or support to media laboratories and production of audio-visual materials to promote the work done by the association. Volunteers will also participate in regular laboratories about coding (digital skills), drawing, dancing, theatre, environmental education and active citizenship;

  5. Promoting Volunteering and Youth Participation”, - 2 spots

    Duration: for 8 months, starting from November 2024 OR from January 2025. 

    Where: Palermo, Italy

    This position involves work in office (i.e. administrative tasks like sending requests to participants or taking care of reimbursements) but not only; the volunteer would also have to help organise projects on the spot, select participants, implement workshops using non-formal education, support other volunteers during their projects/stays in Italy, etc. This position takes place mostly in our office in Palermo, but the volunteer is expected to be willing to accompany us in other nearby parts of Sicily.

ESC long-term opportunities in Stuttgart, Germany: working in four intergenerational community centers (hosted by AWO Stuttgart).

What ? AWO is an organization driven by the principles of freedom, equality, justice, solidarity, and tolerance. We advocate for equal rights and the dignity of all people, embracing diversity. Guided by democratic socialism, AWO strives for a more just and equitable world where human rights are respected.

When ? Starting January 2025 and ending January 2026 (12 months)

Where ? Stuttgart, Germany 

In which community centers ? 

4 community centers : 

- Stadtteilhaus Hallschlag (info pack here)

- Stadtteilhaus Ostendplatz (info pack here)

- Begegnungszentrum Untertürkheim (info pack here)

- Begegnungszentrum Zuffenhausen (info pack here)

Volunteer tasks: 

The tasks involve assisting with the planning and organizing of various recreational, educational, and cultural activities, such as game nights, lectures, and craft sessions. Responsibilities also include running errands for both the facility and visitors, whether for daily needs or special events. Other duties involve preparing event spaces, managing administrative tasks, and staying in touch with volunteers and external partners. Additionally, the role may require providing transportation for appointments or events, as well as helping with everyday tasks like filling out forms, minor repairs, or accompanying visitors on walks.

DL to apply: 20.10.2024

How to apply ? Send your CV and your motivation letter to volunteering.awostuttgart@web.de.

ESC long term project in Budapest, Hungary related to communication (promoting and disseminating projects).

Where: Budapes, Hungary

When: from October 2024 for 6-10 months.
Volunteer tasks: 

  •  you will have the opportunity to manage our communication and community-building activities as part of our team in Hungary.
  • Help us to promote opportunities for youth (training, workcamps, ESC projects), and our activities, and take care of our social media management and external relations, as well as lead community building events.
  • Organize different events to promote our activities

    More info and apply:  here 

Long term ESC opportunity in France

Where? : Drôme, France
Dates of the project: September 2024 to May 2025 (9 months)
Volunteer tasks:
You will be volunteering within the community of l’Arche la Vallée in the small town of Hauterives in southeast France. The community hosts adults with mental disabilities around values of solidarity, fraternity and openness. You will take part of various workshops with them like arts, gardening, games etc. You will be also able to organise activities and workshops. Be aware that the community is located in a rural area, it is beautiful but quite remote and far from urban areas. The closest big cities are Grenoble (1h drive) and Lyon (1h30 drive). A car can be borrowed to go around during free time.
Website of the organisation.
Info pack is attached below:
To apply please send email with cover letter and a CV to both volontariat@arche-lavallee.org 

and mobilite@romans-international.fr with the title of mail : Volunteering 2024 Arche La Vallée

ASAP call for long term volunteers in small town Milicz in Poland!

Where? : Milicz, Poland. Region: Lover Silesia. Regional capital city: Wrocław.
Dates of the project: September 2024 to May 2025 (9 months)
Volunteer tasks:

  • Helping children and teachers with foreign languages.
  • Shaping local society towards being more open, tolerant and aware of the fact that there are people that are different from us.
  • Showing teachers new methods of teaching/learning from Polish experience teachers their methods and styles.
  • Heping students to achieve their goals, motivate them to setting higher goals and giving them the skills and knowledge to do so.
  • At the end of the project, you will have a new set of skills that you can use to work with your local community after EVS.

    To apply send your CV and motivation letter on info@mobilnipolacy.org.pl 

    Check the attached  info pack below to answer important 3 questions for motivation letter:

Lots of long term volunteering options in Kaunas, Lithuania!

1) “Atradimai” school 

Duration: 01.10.2024 - 30.06.2025

Join School "Discoveries", a Catholic non-government school dedicated to nurturing young minds aged 11-17.  As a volunteer, you'll lead a 10-week program in crafts, sports, painting, music, chess, photography, or a foreign language. You'll assist in teaching subjects in the main hall, ensure quiet and focus, supervise outdoor activities promoting teamwork, help with crafting, event prep, and maintain supplies.

More information  and apply here.

2) The Child Welfare Institute

Duration: 23.09.2024- 30.06.2025

Since 2016, this program has been dedicated to helping children grow up happily in families, providing support to adoptive and guardian families, and creating a space for communication and understanding. 

Volunteer Responsibilities: Working with children, providing care, and support; participating in group meetings and events; meeting with a mentor for guidance and support; participating in public solidarity events; organizing informational and promotional solidarity events.

More information   and apply here.

3) Kaunas L’arche community

Duration:  23.09.2024 - 31.07.2025

Kaunas l’Arche community is a small faith-based community of friendship and mutuality between people with intellectual disability and those who assist them. The mission of l’Arche communities is to reveal the gifts of people with or without disabilities through close and communal relationships.

More information and apply here. 

4) Open Youth Center "Vartai"

Duration: 23.09.2024 - 23.03.2025

At the heart of our mission is the Open Youth Centre "Vartai," where young people aged 14-29 can embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth, regardless of their background.  With unwavering support and guidance, Vartai is a place to empower the young to not only succeed as an individual but also flourish as an integral members of society. Volunteer will take up their role where you will not only participate in the organization of open evenings but also craft and execute engaging activities.

More information and apply here.  

5) Kaunas House of Generations

Duration :  23.09.2024 - 31.07.2025

The organization is home to around 40 elders harmoniously and 11 young, resilient mothers and their children who add boundless energy to the community.  Host operates as a Day Center for the elderly organizing a variety of interesting and engaging activities. If you decide to join them as a volunteer, you'll be at the heart of it all. They provide the opportunity to participate in activities tailored to our diverse clientele

More information  and apply here

6) "Žilvitis" kindergarten

Duration: 01.10.2024 - 31.05.2025

"Zilvitis" is open to all children, who have different interests and abilities and come from a variety of socioeconomic, religious, cultural, and ethnic backgrounds. At our kindergarten, the main activities are educational games, STEAM activities, drama, and learning through experience. 

TASKS FOR VOLUNTEERS: Help teachers organize various educational activities for children from 1.5 to 7 years old. Take part in organizing STEAM preschool education for children; Organize educational games for children and play with them; Organize various educational activities for children in other EU languages; Organize IT education for preschoolers; Help in the creation of educational spaces and the generation of creative ideas.

More information and apply here.  

7) "Kaunas Cultural Center of Various Nations"

Duration:  01.10.2024 - 31.05.2025

Kaunas Cultural Centre of Various Nations is a cultural and educational institution intended to preserve the cultural identities of national minorities and encourage their positive integration into Lithuanian society.

VOLUNTEERING TASKS: We need your help to implement projects and organize events, take photos or videos, and design something, for example, using something like Canva. You will also need to write and post information on social media and organize youth club activities

More information and apply here.  

8)  "Šilainiai" library

Duration: 23.09.2024 - 31.07.2025

The Šilainiai Public Library is a department of Kaunas Municipal Vincas Kudirka Public Library. The library operates not only as a traditional district library but also as a community center for the Šilainiai neighborhood in Kaunas City. We organize various events, training activities, lectures, and workshops for people of different age groups. The volunteer would help out the library staff, assisting them with the routine library tasks and management of the library's archival reserves. We also invite the volunteer, according to their ability to teach foreign languages to adults.

More information and apply here.   

Long term projects projects in France:
-in the north:

1. Angers "Unis Cité" - 5 places
Dates: since October till May 2025 (8 months)

Angers in the west of France, situated on the banks of the Maine river, in the region of Pays.

Project is divided between two missions: to connect different generations together via comprehensive approach to the needs of elderly peoples and sharing information  and promoting European diverse cultures and volunteering. During the projects international volunteers will work hand-by-hand with local civil service volunteers what will help in adapting. French on the high level is not required - important if you want to learn it! :)
Applications (CV and cover letter) need to be sent to info@service-civique-europeen.com
Info pack is attached below: 

2. Caen "Unis Cité" - 4 places
Duration: since Oct till May (8 months)

Caen is a port city in the Normandy region which has 108.200 inhabitants.
Mission of the project: 

  • Educate other young people on Human Rights; 
  • Work in various French educational establishments with a diverse range of young people; 
  • Promotion of the Freedom Prize: 
  • an international event where young people from all over the world can nominate and reward people or organizations committed to Human Rights.

    Applications (CV and cover letter) need to be sent to info@service-civique-europeen.com
    Info pack is attached below:

-in the south-west of France

1. Saint-Etienne1 - 1 place 

Duration: since Oct till May (8 months) 

Mission: assisting to families with a person with disabilty and organising free-time activities

Info pack is attached below:
Applications (CV and cover letter) need to be sent to info@service-civique-europeen.com

2. La Rochelle - 8 places
 A thousand-year-old city with a rich historical and urban heritage, the historic capital of Aunis has today become the most important coastal city between the Loire estuary and the Gironde estuary.
Duration: since Oct till May (8 months) 
Mission: link between the generations, organise activities with seniors, digital education
Info pack is attached below:
Applications (CV and cover letter) need to be sent to info@service-civique-europeen.com

Võru, Estonia, long-term project in kindergartens

Long-term volunteering opportunities are available in two kindergartens : 

-  Võru Kindergarten Päkapikk (23.9.2024 - 22.6.2025)

- Võru Kindergarten Okasroosike (23.9.2024 - 22.6.2025)

Volunteers participate in various activities, from creating projects to introducing cultural elements, and benefit from the experience by developing teaching, communication, and teamwork skills. The kindergarten also highlights unique traditions and develop a healthy, outdoor-oriented lifestyle in order to create a dynamic and supportive environment for both children and volunteers.

Volunteers can get involved in various tasks that include preparing materials for activities, and participating in games and lessons with the children. They collaborate closely with teachers, contributing to the learning and helping activities that align with the children's interests. Volunteers are also involved in organizing and participating in festivals, special days, and cultural exhibitions, introducing songs, games, and traditions from their own backgrounds. 

More information about the projects:



To apply fill in the application form below and send it to evs@estyes.ee 

NB!  The starting date is flexible 

Athens, Greece, "Recreations in institutional care system for disabled children", October 2024

Tandem NGO is looking for  long-term volunteers to join their project in P.A.A.P.A.V. (formerly known as PIKPA), which is an enclosed institution for disabled/neurodivergent children and young people in South Athens. The project will last for 6 months or more, starting from October 2024. The volunteers bring light, love, and care to the everyday lives of the children by engaging them in different activities (swimming, handcrafts, cooking, lessons, excursions..) and are part of a wonderful local and international community. Volunteers are encouraged to take their own initiative and have the support of the coordinator on an everyday basis. 

More information: https://youth.europa.eu/solidarity/opportunity/13258_en 

Application: fill in the form below, send CV and motivational letter to volunteer@tandem-org.gr 

Panciu, Romania, "Daily Center Pinocchio", September 2024 - May 2025, or January 2025 - December 2025

Lumea lui Pinocchio is an association that aims to promote the social inclusion of disadvantaged children and young people from the local population, especially those from the Roma minority, and is active in Panciu, Vrancea County. They are looking for 2 volunteers to join their Daily Center Pinocchio, for two of their projects. At the Daily Center Pinocchio, managed by the Lumea lui Pinocchio Association, disadvantaged children (ages 3-16) and their families receive various forms of support. From Monday to Friday, ESC volunteers conduct workshops on recycling and crafts, organize games, cinema hours, sports, and special events, and promote healthy living through culinary workshops and hygiene education. Volunteers interested in social media can also manage the association's Facebook page and website updates.

Application: send your CV and a motivational letter at voluntariat@lumealuipinocchio.org 

Cause-de-Clérans, France, "Volunteering in SEM&VOL", October 2024 - October 2025

SEM & Vol is an association that host international projects and workcamps, they have two hosting center in Cadouin and in Cause de Clérans. They are looking for 7 long-term volunteers that are willing to commit for 1 year to assist in different tasks within the organisation such as joining different workcamps, organizing activities, assisting in promoting the association and its project, etc.

More information: 

Berlin, Germany, 2024 - 2025

Ijgd is looking for volunteers to work in several social and cultural projects. Ijgd cooperates with about 15 hosting projects in Berlin, each deals with a different target group and has a specific structure:

  • In kindergarten, you can work with babies and children up to 6 years, there might be a strict daily structure as well as free play or weekly routines.
  • In schools, you support 6-14 years old pupils during their morning classes and get active in the afternoon program with sport, creativity or also in free play.
  • In the circus, you can support the team with their classes, activities and events.
  • In flat-shares, you support adult people with disabilities in their daily routines, from
    cooking common lunch to participating or initiating leisure activities

Application: send the application form, a CV and a photo (optional) to email esc-applications.berlin@ijgd.de

More information about the projects in the attachment below.

Belgium, from 10 to 12 months, 2024-2025

CBB is looking for volunteers to join 8 of their ESC long term projects in Belgium. 

  • Social work at Foyer L'Aubépine – Ciney: The volunteers will mostly work with youngsters with difficult socio-economical and familial backgrounds.
  • Kindergarden and Primary school at Ecole des Petits Chemins - Rochefort: In this project, the volunteer will work either in the kindergarten (with little kids from 2 years and a half until 5 years old), either in the primary school (with kids from 6 to 12 years old) with several tasks.
  • Promoting culture with Le Monty – Genappe: Volunteers will work in Le Monty asbl  a cultural space that combines a place for citizens to spend time, a place for new education, a theater factory, a grocery store, a performance hall and a cinema.
  • Creativity and inclusion at the adventure playground of Péri – Liège: Volunteers will work in adventure playground, which is dedicated to the self-development and the community life, a place where children can learn and experiment without pressure.
  • Supporting people with disability at L'Essentiel – Lasne: Volunteers will work in l’Essentiel, an organisation whose aim is to host people with diverse disabilities. The volunteer, together with two others, will take part into the daily artistic and creative activities proposed by Essentiel to its beneficiaries and will support the team also by proposing their own ideas of activities.
  • MCFA Cultural Center – Marche-en-Famenne: The Association “Maison de la Culture Famenne-Ardenne” (MCFA) has the mission to spread the culture among a broad public by offering activities under various shapes and through different ways. The volunteer to be involved in a various range of cultural and educational events.
  • Latitudes Jeunes – Liège: Volunteers will work in Latitude Jeunes Liège (LJ), a non profit organisation which aims to contribute to the wellbeing of children and youth and to encourage responsible, active, critical and solidarity citizenship among them.
  • Andage – Marche en Famenne: Volunteers will work with Andage, a non-profit organisation that develop innovative projects and responses adapted to the needs of people with physical, mental or multiple disabilities, adults and children and their families. 
  • Youth work and inclusion at La Baraka – Liège: Volunteers will work at La Baraka youth center.

More information about the projects in the attachment below:

Vicenza, Italy, 7 months, start ASAP

Three different hosting organizations are looking  for volunteers to join their projects with a focus on diversity and inclusion: 

  • Città Solidale: work with mentally disable people hosted in live-in communities and centers. 
  • Tangram: The volunteer will play a leading role in supporting an completing the hosting organization activity. Social work with under aged girls hosted in a live-in community - at school for pedagogic project with children- laboratory with adults with social and psychic disadvantaged. 
  • Insieme: In general, close work with Insieme target groups involved in educational/rehabilitation programmes of work, in the different activities the cooperative propose them (people with light mental disabilities or coming from difficult backgrounds, i.e. addiction, detention, refugees, etc.). Supporting the organisation of local awareness raising events and initiatives. Working in job integration programmes for disadvantaged people through different services: bar/kitchen, second hand shops, bike repairing laboratory, sensitive and promote topics like circular economy, environmental education at school).

See info pack attached for more information. If you wish to apply, you can send your CV and motivation letter to:
contact@progettosullasoglia.it, please specify in the message into which project you're applying.

Utrecht, Netherland, "Discover your impact abroad - Volunteer for volunteers"

SIW is an international exchange organisation run mostly by volunteers for volunteering projects around the world and in the Netherland. They are looking for 2 volunteers from April - August 2024 and April 2024 - March 2025 (exact timing can be discussed). During the project, you will get the opportunity to discover different  teams within our organisation, depends on your interest and your work will be primary in the office. Example of some teams are marketing and communication, financial, training, summer camp.

Application: You can apply by sending your CV and motivation to esc.incoming@siw.nl.

Apply ASAP

More info: https://youth.europa.eu/solidarity/placement/35613_en

Estonia,  "Youth Centers in Lääne-Harju county", ASAP

Lääne-Harju Huvikeskus, a public youth center located in the north-western part of Estonia seek for volunteer that stays up to 5 months. The volunteer will be assisting a team of youth workers in daily activities of the centers in various locations giving a chance to see many places including beautiful nature and meet people around Lääne-Harju county. 

Application: Fill the application form down below and send it to evs@estyes.ee 

Apply as soon as possible.

Herzogenburg, Austria, Working in a nursing home for the elderly, ASAP

Jugend:info Niederösterreich is looking for 2 participants who can start as soon as possible and stay for up to one year. Volunteer will work at the nursing home, assist with daily activities, create a supportive and caring environment with the elders. 

If you are interested in this project, send your CV and a detailed motivation letter to: esc@jugendinfo-noe.at

The application deadline is one month before the planned start date.

More information in the attachment below

Miten ESC-vapaaehtoispaikkoihin haetaan?

Mikäli projektikuvauksessa ei ole muuta ohjetta, voit hakea yllämainittuihin paikkoihin lähettämällä heille meidän hakulomakkeemme. Löydät lomakkeen sivun alareunasta. 

Kerro hakemuksessa, miksi haluat vapaaehtoiseksi juuri hakemaasi projektiin. Paikat täytetään sopivan vapaaehtoisen löydyttyä, joten kannattaa hakea mahdollisimman nopeasti. 

Voit halutessasi hakea useampaan paikkaan samalla kertaa. Nämä paikat ovat erinomaisia mahdollisuuksia päästä nopeasti tekemään mielekästä vapaaehtoistyötä esimerkiksi välivuoden ajaksi! 

Jos haluat lisätietoa tai apua paikkojen haussa, ota meihin yhteyttä sähköpostitse hakemukset@alli.fi tai puhelimitse (myös WA)  044 4165209. Autamme mielellämme!

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