Ajankohtaisia EU-tuettuja vapaaehtoispaikkoja Euroopassa


Haluaisitko lähteä 6-12 kuukaudeksi johonkin toiseen Euroopan maahan ja työskentelemään vapaaehtoisena yleishyödyllisessä organisaatiossa esimerkiksi viestintätehtävissä,  kulttuurin, harrastustoiminnan tai nuorisotyön parissa?  Tarjolla on  usein myös lyhyempiä Euroopan solidaarisuusjoukkojen vapaaehtoistiimejä.

Lue lisää Euroopan solidaarisuusjoukoista Euroopan  nuorisoportaalin sivuilta. 

Kenelle? Euroopan Solidaarisuusjoukot on ohjelma, joka sopii kaikille 18-30 -vuotiaille, jotka ovat kiinnostuneita oppimaan ja toimimaan vapaaehtoisena paikallisen yhteisön hyväksi toisessa Euroopan maassa. Vapaaehtoistyötehtäviin ei vaadita erityistaitoja tai koulutusta, mutta omia tietoja ja taitoja pääsee yleensä hyödyntämään. Euroopan Unionin tukema ohjelma on erinomainen mahdollisuus lähteä toiseen Euroopan maahan hankkimaan työkokemusta, kielitaitoa ja saamaan uusia kokemuksia. Ohjelmaan kuuluu majoitus, ruoka, matkatuki, taskuraha, vakuutus, kieliopetusta sekä valmennus ennen lähtöä ja jakson aikana. Ohjelman kesto on yleensä 2-12 kuukautta, suurin osa vapaaehtoispaikoista haluaa vapaaehtoisen 6-12 kuukauddeksi.

Euroopan Solidaarisuusjoukkojen lyhytkestoiset (alle 2 kuukautta) yksilöprojektit on tarkoitettu nuorille, joilla on erityistä tukea oikeuttavia haasteita kuten.terveysongelmat, oppimisvaikeudet, vähemmistöryhmään kuuluminen ja/tai taloudelliset, sosiaaliset tai maantieteelliset haasteet.  Yleensä noin kaksi viikkoa kestävät Euroopan solidaarisuusjoukkojen vapaaehtoistiimit ovat sen sijaan avoimia kaikille 18-30 -vuotiaille, myös aiemmin Euroopan solidaarisuujoukkoihin osallistuneille.   

Annamme mielellämme lisätietoja, puh. 044 416 5209 (myös Whatsapp)

Näin löydät mielenkiintoisia vapaaehtoispaikkoja

Voit etsiä vapaaehtoispaikkoja suoraan seuraavien partnerijärjestöjemme sivuilla:

Armenia: HUJ 

Belgia: CBB

Itävalta: Melange⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Portugali: Associação Spin

Ranska: Solidarités Jeunesses

Slovakia: Inex

Viro: EstYES

Voit löytää avoimia ESC-paikkoja myös tästä Facebook-ryhmästä.

Voit tutustua Euroopan solidaarisuusjoukot -ohjelmaan tarkemmin tästä.

Berlin, Germany "Volunteering in inclusive kindergartens and primary schools", 09.2024 - 09.2025

Internationale Jugendgemeinschaftsdienste is the coordinating organisation of the ESC project “European Solidarity. ESC with ijgd in Social Projects in Berlin”. They are currently looking for new long-term volunteers to join amazing opportunies to work with children in kindergartens and primary schools. 

They take place in three different organizations located in some of Berlin's neighborhood : Nestwärme’s and Kita Ritterburg’s childcare center but also Nachbarschaftsheim Schöneberg’s school!

These projects offer diverse and interesting tasks that positively impact young people and create a supportive and positive environment for them : 

  • Engaging with children and assisting in activities
  • Supporting daily routines at the center/school
  • Participating and getting involved into the events
  • Creating and participating to personal projects for the children

For more general information about the project “European Solidarity. ESC with ijgd in social and cultural projects in Berlin” and the application process, please read the Call for Participants 2024-25 (below) or contact esc-applications.berlin@ijgd.de

Svitene, Latvia "Volunteering in Svitene youth center", 09.2024 - 03.2025

Svitene Youth Centre is looking for 2 youngsters aged between 18 and 30 years, residents of EU countries to be a part of a European Solidarity Corps volunteering project in 2 activities in Svitene village, Latvia : 

The activities in the Svitene and neighbouring villages' youth centres will be :

  • Planning, organizing and leading creative and educational workshops where youth can learn new skills and engage in creative activities,
  • Creating and publishing posts, stories, and videos on NGO social media,
  •  Assisting in other NGO projects related to community environmental improvement, local community cultural events, and promotion of youth participation,
  • Helping with ideas for new projects and project writing.

Here is the info-pack of the project.

  Your mission will be to keep the youth center alive, there is plenty of room for your ideas and initiatives :)

If you are interested to take part in the project, fill the online application form before 20.7.2024 (deadline)

If you need more information and answers to your questions, you can ask them at : biedriba_mpp@inbox.lv

Pécs, Hungary "Volunteering in University of Pécs", 1.9.2024 - 30.6.2025.

The University of Pécs is seeking volunteers for the next 10 months long project in Pécs, South of Hungary. There are 3 opportunities at:

  • Sport & communication at the Rector's Office: Volunteer tasks include promoting international students' sports activities through articles and social media, establishing online communication with students, and aiding in organizing sporting events.
  • Sustainability at Green University Program: Volunteers will manage social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok) to promote the Green University Program, create articles and interviews with foreign students, participate in green events, assist in organizing activities and stand design, coordinate a Green Student Community, develop online networking with international students,
  • Help students with special needs at Support Service: Volunteers will assist students with reduced mobility or visual impairments by providing transportation to and from university, helping with domestic tasks in special accommodations, shopping assistance, office tasks like copying and scanning, and optionally offering academic support. They may also teach languages, organize leisure activities, and support both foreign and Hungarian students studying in English, with Hungarian language training available at the University of Pécs.

Application: CVs and a motivation letter to navreczki.fanni@pte.hu

Kaunas, Lithuania, 2024 - 2025

"Actio Catholica Patria" is looking for long-term volunteers for various projects. For more information about the project, check the links down below. 

São Luís , Portugal, “REGENERATE ODEMIRA III”, 01/10/2024 - 30/09/2025

The ESC in São Luís offers a Rural Regenerative Experience for young people aged 18-30 to develop skills in addressing global environmental challenges. Volunteers are integrated into the local rural area of Odemira, where they contribute to community development through activities organized by GAIA Alentejo and its network of partners. The program emphasizes learning, creativity, and personal growth, with strong mentorship and a focus on contributing to the local environment and community.

Position 1 | Rural Regenerative Experience: Agroecology

Volunteers will engage in various activities throughout the year, organized by GAIA and local partners, based on seasonal needs. Tasks include supporting hands-on ecological projects, assisting with events at the Centro Co.Re Learning Center, learning from an agroecological grocery and kitchen, and helping to organize community events and networking activities.

Position 2 | Rural Regenerative Experience: Communication

Volunteers will participate in various projects led by local partners, engaging in hands-on ecological activities and implementing communication tasks. Responsibilities include supporting ecological initiatives, assisting with activities at the Centro Co.Re Learning hub, and contributing to GAIA Alentejo's communication strategy through media documentation and creative events.

Fill-in the online application form: https://www.cm-odemira.pt/p/longterm_volunteering 

  • Be specific about which position you’re applying for! You can apply to more than one position.
  • Prepare a short video of max. 2 minutes, presenting your personal profile & history.
  • Prepare your CV in English.
  • Submit your application form until the 14th of July 2024.

If you have any question, write us an email: juventude@cm-odemira.pt 

Cause-de-Clérans, France, "Volunteering in SEM&VOL", October 2024 - October 2025

SEM & Vol is an association that host international projects and workcamps, they have two hosting center in Cadouin and in Cause de Clérans. They are looking for 7 long-term volunteers that are willing to commit for 1 year to assist in different tasks within the organisation such as joining different workcamps, organizing activities, assisting in promoting the association and its project, etc.

More information: 

Rennes, France, "How to become a Galet'trotteur", 01/09/2024 to 31/08/2025

The ‘Centre Régional d'Information Jeunesse Bretagne’ (CRIJ for short) coordinates and supports the network of 61 youth information centres in Brittany. It primarily works on the following topics: jobs, housing, health and international mobility. They are looking for long-term volunteer who can stay up to 1 year. The main task of the volunteer is to promote international mobility and raise awareness among young people in Brittany about the different means to go abroad. This includes the production and publication of content for social media as well as direct contact with young people at all kinds of events. They will also motivate young people to write experience reports for our ‘Galet'trotteurs’ platform

Deadline: 15/07/2024

Padova, Italy, "CreActive Youth for Padova", 07.10.2024 - 7.7.2025

Progetto Giovani, the office of the Municipality of Padua offering services and initiatives in favour of the local youth, is looking for 1 volunteer for the project “CreActive Youth for Padova”, which will take place in the Creativity Area of the office. The volunteer will participate in an artistic and cultural experience within a shared artist studio project, MAC Studi d’Artista, one of the projects realised by the Creativity Area in order to support and sustain young artists. There, the volunteer will be able to develop their own artistic project and collaborate and share experiences, practices, skills with Italian young artists using the studies during the same period. Together, they should be able to organise workshops – related to their own art practice – for local youngsters and adults, in order to revive the place where MAC is located. Moreover, they could be involved in holding linguistic and cultural interactive laboratories in the schools of Padua.

Deadline: 23/06/2024

Apply here: https://youth.europa.eu/solidarity/placement/40602_en 

Berlin, Germany, 2024 - 2025

Ijgd is looking for volunteers to work in several social and cultural projects. Ijgd cooperates with about 15 hosting projects in Berlin, each deals with a different target group and has a specific structure:

  • In kindergarten, you can work with babies and children up to 6 years, there might be a strict daily structure as well as free play or weekly routines.
  • In schools, you support 6-14 years old pupils during their morning classes and get active in the afternoon program with sport, creativity or also in free play.
  • In the circus, you can support the team with their classes, activities and events.
  • In flat-shares, you support adult people with disabilities in their daily routines, from
    cooking common lunch to participating or initiating leisure activities

Application: send the application form, a CV and a photo (optional) to email esc-applications.berlin@ijgd.de

More information about the projects in the attachment below.

Belgium, from 10 to 12 months, 2024-2025

CBB is looking for volunteers to join 8 of their ESC long term projects in Belgium. 

  • Social work at Foyer L'Aubépine – Ciney: The volunteers will mostly work with youngsters with difficult socio-economical and familial backgrounds.
  • Kindergarden and Primary school at Ecole des Petits Chemins - Rochefort: In this project, the volunteer will work either in the kindergarten (with little kids from 2 years and a half until 5 years old), either in the primary school (with kids from 6 to 12 years old) with several tasks.
  • Promoting culture with Le Monty – Genappe: Volunteers will work in Le Monty asbl  a cultural space that combines a place for citizens to spend time, a place for new education, a theater factory, a grocery store, a performance hall and a cinema.
  • Creativity and inclusion at the adventure playground of Péri – Liège: Volunteers will work in adventure playground, which is dedicated to the self-development and the community life, a place where children can learn and experiment without pressure.
  • Supporting people with disability at L'Essentiel – Lasne: Volunteers will work in l’Essentiel, an organisation whose aim is to host people with diverse disabilities. The volunteer, together with two others, will take part into the daily artistic and creative activities proposed by Essentiel to its beneficiaries and will support the team also by proposing their own ideas of activities.
  • MCFA Cultural Center – Marche-en-Famenne: The Association “Maison de la Culture Famenne-Ardenne” (MCFA) has the mission to spread the culture among a broad public by offering activities under various shapes and through different ways. The volunteer to be involved in a various range of cultural and educational events.
  • Latitudes Jeunes – Liège: Volunteers will work in Latitude Jeunes Liège (LJ), a non profit organisation which aims to contribute to the wellbeing of children and youth and to encourage responsible, active, critical and solidarity citizenship among them.
  • Andage – Marche en Famenne: Volunteers will work with Andage, a non-profit organisation that develop innovative projects and responses adapted to the needs of people with physical, mental or multiple disabilities, adults and children and their families. 
  • Youth work and inclusion at La Baraka – Liège: Volunteers will work at La Baraka youth center.

More information about the projects in the attachment below:

Vicenza, Italy, 7 months, start ASAP

Three different hosting organizations are looking  for volunteers to join their projects with a focus on diversity and inclusion: 

  • Città Solidale: work with mentally disable people hosted in live-in communities and centers. 
  • Tangram: The volunteer will play a leading role in supporting an completing the hosting organization activity. Social work with under aged girls hosted in a live-in community - at school for pedagogic project with children- laboratory with adults with social and psychic disadvantaged. 
  • Insieme: In general, close work with Insieme target groups involved in educational/rehabilitation programmes of work, in the different activities the cooperative propose them (people with light mental disabilities or coming from difficult backgrounds, i.e. addiction, detention, refugees, etc.). Supporting the organisation of local awareness raising events and initiatives. Working in job integration programmes for disadvantaged people through different services: bar/kitchen, second hand shops, bike repairing laboratory, sensitive and promote topics like circular economy, environmental education at school).

See info pack attached for more information. If you wish to apply, you can send your CV and motivation letter to:
contact@progettosullasoglia.it, please specify in the message into which project you're applying.

Utrecht, Netherland, "Discover your impact abroad - Volunteer for volunteers"

SIW is an international exchange organisation run mostly by volunteers for volunteering projects around the world and in the Netherland. They are looking for 2 volunteers from April - August 2024 and April 2024 - March 2025 (exact timing can be discussed). During the project, you will get the opportunity to discover different  teams within our organisation, depends on your interest and your work will be primary in the office. Example of some teams are marketing and communication, financial, training, summer camp.

Application: You can apply by sending your CV and motivation to esc.incoming@siw.nl.

Apply ASAP

More info: https://youth.europa.eu/solidarity/placement/35613_en

Austria, 2024 - 2025

Our partner organisation Jugend:info NÖ is offering 4 ESC long-term projects in Austria, 3 projects in schools and  1 project in public library. 

Below are the projects' start date and duration:

  • Lernwerkstatt  school: middle of August - 10 months.
  • Freiraumschule school: end of August - 10 months.
  • Kreamont - private Montessori school: end of August - 10 months.
  • Library - public library in Weiner Neustadt: beginning of August - 12 months.

Note: It is possible to apply for more than one project at the same time. The applicants should enter their preferred positions on the first page of the application form.

Application: send the application form and a CV to email: esc@jugendinfo-noe.at 

Deadline: 7.4.2024

Oostende, Belgium, 1.5. – 30.6.2024  

You can also volunteer in this project during autumn between 15/10 – 15/12/2024

"WANTED: creativity for youth" project focuses on cultural participation in all aspects. The project aspires to stimulate art and cultural habits with children and young people. The project will implement the possibility for a young person to integrate in an art-education center as mu-zee-um, but taking the personal pathway of the youngster in account. There are many learning opportunities for the volunteer like discovering many kinds of arts, new skills, a new language, involving children and youngsters in creative sessions. 

The volunteer will learn how projects are set up, how sessions and workshops are concepted, what methodology we use for art education, how to organise and take responsibilities in projects, courses or sessions. The volunteer will mostly work with young people and will be participating in workshops with them. All this will happen within the frame of the personal learning goals the volunteers will develop and find out, their needs and their opportunities. 

Activities where the volunteers will be involved are : 

  • Follow, prepare, assist sessions of groups in the museums/exhibitions/atelier 
  • Prepare, assist workshops for children, youngsters or adults 
  • Take part as a team member in different projects (on several disciplines of arts) 
  • Take part in the educational trips to other museums 
  • Administration: welcoming groups,... 
  • Sorting out personal goals and if wanted develop an own project 

Working hours: Monday till Friday 09.00 – 16.30 

Accommodation: The volunteer will have a room in a hosting family in the center of Oostende. Transport: Oostende is a middle big place in Flanders, Belgium. The volunteer will have an own bicycle to travel around. 

Food: The volunteer will receive a food allowance monthly, to take care themselves about all food and meals. The volunteer will also receive pocketmoney. 

Language lessons: The volunteer will get an individual language course, with a special focus on the work in the organisation and the daily life situations.

Extra inclusion support: There is budget for a reinforced mentor locally and it is possible to bring an accompanying person the first days in Oostende (in case of youngster with fewer opportunities). 

What are we searching for? 

  • A person with an enthusiastic and dynamic personality 
  • A person who is willing to learn (to understand) the Dutch language 
  • A person who is (motivated to become) independent and eager to take initiative some experience in the fields of art education or youth work is a surplus value 
  • A person with a sense of humour ;) 
  • A person who is flexible and responsible 

The volunteers are expected to integrate as a full member of the team, involved in all activities going on in the association.

Email your motivation letter and CV to info@mu-zee-um.be, deadline : 20th of March 2024.

Estonia,  "Youth Centers in Lääne-Harju county", ASAP

Lääne-Harju Huvikeskus, a public youth center located in the north-western part of Estonia seek for volunteer that stays up to 5 months. The volunteer will be assisting a team of youth workers in daily activities of the centers in various locations giving a chance to see many places including beautiful nature and meet people around Lääne-Harju county. 

Application: Fill the application form down below and send it to evs@estyes.ee 

Apply as soon as possible.

Trakai, Lithuania, "Waldorf Outdoor Kindergarten", from March 2024 to March 2025

This project is 12 months long and it is held in an outdoor kindergarten "Patirčių slėnis". The kindergarten offers daily activities for kids 1-7 years old, as well as different events, actions, different workshops. Volunteer will be helping kindergarten teachers to implement different activities for kids, organize events, workshops and etc. The volunteer will also have a space to implement their own ideas, projects, activities. All the activities of the kindergarden are happening outdoors.

Application: send your CV and motivation to egle.saltes@gmail.com 

Deadline: 15th February 2024

Vilnius, Lithuania, "Waldorf Open School", from March 2024 to March 2025

The school is part of a large community of Waldorf schools worldwide, which today has over a thousand schools. In Lithuania, the Waldorf School is governed by the concept of non-traditional education and the Waldorf concept of pedagogy. The mission of the school is to create a space where children and young people reveal their natural powers, develop their abilities/skills, and prepare to be able to achieve their own goals in life.

Application: send your CV and motivation to egle.saltes@gmail.com 

Deadline: 15th February 2024

Vilnius, Lithuania, "Kindegarten 'Little ones academy'”, March 2024 to March 2025

Kindergarten "Little ones academy" is a modern and innovative institution that develops education to meet the needs of the 21st century child. The education, which is based on world innovations and child-centred is organised by competent teachers, supported by VMU Academy of Education lecturers and students.

Volunteers often work closely with teachers to assist in various STREAM activities. This may include helping with lesson preparation, setting up learning materials, and supporting childrens during activities. Volunteers may assist with hands-on science experiments, building projects, or other STEM-related tasks. In some cases, volunteers may provide one-on-one or small group tutoring for children who need extra support.

Application: send your CV and motivation to egle.saltes@gmail.com 

Deadline: 15th February 2024

Herzogenburg, Austria, Working in a nursing home for the elderly, ASAP

Jugend:info Niederösterreich is looking for 2 participants who can start as soon as possible and stay for up to one year. Volunteer will work at the nursing home, assist with daily activities, create a supportive and caring environment with the elders. 

If you are interested in this project, send your CV and a detailed motivation letter to: esc@jugendinfo-noe.at

The application deadline is one month before the planned start date.

More information in the attachment below

Vienna, Austria, "Tanz die Toleranz dance project", from 01.05.2024 to 31.03.2025

Tanz die Toleranz a participatory dance project, bringing people of different ages, genders, ethnicities, religions, social backgrounds, etc. together through dance. They are looking for long-term volunteer for 11 months. Your job as volunteer will be helping with logistic support of dance rehearsals, photo and video documentation, social  media, office support work.

More info about the application process: https://melange.wien/en/application-govienna/

Application deadline: 17.01.2024 

More information in the attachment below.

Vienna, Austria, "Baseballschule Baseball school", from 01.05.2024 to 31.03.2025

Baseballschule is looking for a long-term (11 months) volunteer. Baseballschule is a non-profit organization that promotes exercise and health with baseball as a platform to support the development of children and youngsters. Volunteer will help with project management, marketing and communication, assisting in sports activities and events.

More info about the application process: https://melange.wien/en/application-govienna/

Application deadline: 17.01.2024

More information in the attachment below.

Berlin, Germany, "Become a Leader for International Workcamps in- and outside of Berlin!" from 12.02.2024 to 30.11.2024

During the ESC, the volunteers will be able to improve their skills and competences with the workcamp leader training seminar. Furthermore, you are going to attend one or two (depending on availability) mandatory seminars in different German cities to reflect on their learning progress. The seminars are great opportunities to meet other volunteers from all around Europe working in Germany. A mentor will facilitate the learning process and support you with any upcoming challenges during the volunteering period at VJF. You can also attend German classes during the last phase of your stay with us.

More information here and in the attachement below. 

To apply sent the application to : workcamps@ vjf.de 

Application deadline: 14/01/2024

Le Mans, France, "TOGETHER FOR THE CLIMATE"  from 08.01.2024 to 08.08.2024

Concordia Normandie Maine offers training to volunteers in the fields of human rights, ecology, the social and solidarity economy. We train the volunteers in project methodology, meeting facilitation and support them in their professional project. We hold at least one team meeting per week and we attach great importance to ensuring that everyone can find their place.

Application deadline: 08/12/2023
Please fill the application form : https://forms.gle/2KWBUyCUfPaWbG8u9

More in the attachement below.

France, Cancale "Environmental and intercultural awareness at the Sea Center"   starts ASAP, until 31.07.2024

The volunteer will work with kids and lead some activities around the environment and sustainability. Get involved in the life of the sea class center ;Propose activity times in connection with the marine environment or according to interests of volunteers ; Intercultural promotion through participation in activities with groups and presentation of one's country to children welcomed (culinary proposals, presentation of music, sports, games from the volunteer's country of origin) ; Environmental pedagogy ; Improving kids' experiences.

To apply please fill in the application form here in below:

More information in the infopack below

Miten ESC-vapaaehtoispaikkoihin haetaan?

Mikäli projektikuvauksessa ei ole muuta ohjetta, voit hakea yllämainittuihin paikkoihin lähettämällä heille meidän hakulomakkeemme. Löydät lomakkeen sivun alareunasta. 

Kerro hakemuksessa, miksi haluat vapaaehtoiseksi juuri hakemaasi projektiin. Paikat täytetään sopivan vapaaehtoisen löydyttyä, joten kannattaa hakea mahdollisimman nopeasti. 

Voit halutessasi hakea useampaan paikkaan samalla kertaa. Nämä paikat ovat erinomaisia mahdollisuuksia päästä nopeasti tekemään mielekästä vapaaehtoistyötä esimerkiksi välivuoden ajaksi! 

Jos haluat lisätietoa tai apua paikkojen haussa, ota meihin yhteyttä sähköpostitse hakemukset@alli.fi tai puhelimitse (myös WA)  044 4165209. Autamme mielellämme!

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